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What is Tieba

Baidu Tieba  is an online community product belonging to Baidu Inc.

It is an interactive platform that gathers like-minded people with interest themes, it uses forums called "Bars" as a place for users to socially interact. The slogan of Baidu Tieba is "Born for your interest". Since its birth in 2003, Tieba has registered a total of 1.5 billion users and created more than 23 million interest groups. Which covered a variety of topics, such as news, science, celebrities, films, comics, and books.


The Problem

Tieba was founded in 2003, and from the beginning, it has been a text+image community. In this context posting bar faces two problems.

  • The short video platforms market grew rapidly, users became more and more accustomed to reading "videos" rather than "text". In this case, we had a serious loss of users.

  • A large number of images and text tend to cause information overload, we need a form of presentation that can carry more information and faster to provide a better browsing experience for users.


I started by iterating the video posting feature.

In the old version we already had the video publishing feature, but it was not used to a high degree. In the new design, I made the video posting process smooth, added a pause recording function, added filters, and modified the guide text based on user research.


Building product feature awareness

The second challenge was in building product feature awareness, it’s difficult to introduce new functionality to an app used by hundred millions. Doing so in a scalable, structured format, and add new features are slowly without disturbing users too much.

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Add live feature

A few months later, we added a live streaming feature based on our business needs. Since our keyword is "interest live", we put the live feature in each interest bar as an additional function. So we put the live feature in each interest topic bar as an additional function of the bar. Through this feature, we hope to increase the relevance and experience of people with the same interests.


Text, images, voice, geolocation, video, the richness of the information increases with each added dimension, and if it's a permutation, the world changes with each additional dimension.

It's not easy to add new features to a mature product, and we're excited to see the video's and live streams come online to bring people in the community closer together. Our exploration and pursuit of video streaming doesn't end there, we've only sold the first step. I'll continue to update this case study. Until then, thank you for reading

Baidu Tieba
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